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Try My Way......It Works!

About US

About Us

Our Mission

Try My Way Phonics creates early readers through an accelerated, multisensory and systematic approach to teaching phonics.

               Our Vision

Try My Way Phonics will empower All children to access the 'World of Words" through phonics.

Tell Me More...

   Try My Way Phonics was created using the principles of the Science of Reading.  TMW offers systematic, explicit, and cumulative instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. 

  • The first half of the lesson (45 minutes) is teacher facilitated with direct instruction. 

  • The second half of the lesson (45 minutes)  is student facilitated where students are  engaged in center activities.

  • Weekly assessments are utilized to monitor mastery, guide small group instruction, and develop independent practice activities.

  • Each lesson includes vocabulary development, spelling and reading comprehension.

About the Author

With over 30 years of experience in education, Mrs. Watkins, M. Ed., and National Board Certified Teacher, is highly qualified to teach phonics to children. As an elementary school teacher for 13 years, Mrs. Watkins produced strong, independent readers who read well above grade level. Her success as a teacher prompted her to develop the Try My Way Phonics Intervention Supplement, which she now shares with schools across the country. Mrs. Watkins confidently states that her method works. There are many ways to teach phonics; but Try My Way, It Works !





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